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Step 1: Clean, Clean!

Step 2: Preparation

Step 3: Pack them up!

Step 4: Perfect location

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Just like the exquisite snow melts in the warmth of the sun welcoming a new season, so does our winter wardrobe. The big question is how to store our leather winter boots so that they are ready for the next winter, fresh and clean? Follow our steps and you’ll wake up to happy feet next winter.

Step 1: Clean, Clean, Clean!

Before we start preparing our boots for storage it is very important to ensure that they are perfectly clean. Rain generally causes salt deposition on the shoe which mixes with mud to cause long-lasting damage to the footwear. So, this makes cleaning the shoe before storage the most important part of this process. Clean your suede shoes with a suede brush. Make sure to brush with light hands. For leather shoes use a clean soft wet cloth and make sure to clean thoroughly.

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Step 2: Preparation

After your boots are clean, conduct a thorough inspection and make sure to repair all the damaged parts before storing them. This will prevent you from walking in the untidy lining, torn seam, or loose heel next winter. After the repair is complete place naphthalene balls to ensure that your boots stay fresh and free of bacteria.

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Step 3: Pack them up!

Now that your boots are clean, repaired, and fresh it’s time to pack them up for storage. Packing plays an important role in the shape retention, cleanliness, and safety of your shoes. Start with filling the vent with tissue paper so that the shape of your boot is retained throughout the summer. Cover your shoes with cotton sheets and then pack them up in plastic bags. Make sure that the plastic bag is not air-tight to prevent moisture trapping. Moisture-trapping can cause damage to your boots.

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Step 4: The perfect location

Well done! You have almost done it. You are just one step away from preserving your boots in summer and making them winter-ready. The last step involves finding the perfect location for storing your shoes. The perfect place for storing boots involves a cool and dry place. If you don’t own a shoe closet and under the bed or top of your closet can be the perfect storing place for you. Also, try to avoid open storage spaces like a rack or shelf. Open storage exposes your shoe to unnecessary light and dirt during the off-season that can damage or fade your material.

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